Everybody deserves a happy retirement!
Dreams of everyday freedoms and the life to come may definitely take over as you get closer to retirement. While some are eager to begin a new chapter in their lives, others are concerned about financial issues and how they will survive.
You won’t be happy without a certain amount of money, but you won’t need much to get by. Research found that the average yearly pay of $95,000 is the highest point at which life happiness peaks.
After making all of your retirement plans, it’s crucial to concentrate on the things that money cannot purchase. Here are the seven words that begin with the letter P that can help you unlock happiness in retirement:

One of the first things you should put on paper for a happy retirement is a bit of planning. All the things you want to do, starting with financial planning and other stuff that bugs you. Avoid relying only on out-of-date advice and general retirement principles. Understand that the accumulation of money differs greatly from the preservation and distribution of wealth.
You should stop treating many aspects of your finances automatically and start acting more deliberately and actively.
Be aware that you are switching from making a living to saving for retirement, which calls for completely different approaches and mentalities.
Additionally, make an effort to consider what suits you. It’s possible that you have saved up some money or that your spouse is still employed, in which case you won’t have to worry about living off of Social Security alone.
Since you can never predict the future if you want to have a happy retirement, it is best to be prepared for it and create an estate plan that addresses many of the “what-ifs” that arise in life.
Physical and mental health
The best ingredient for a happy retirement is to focus on your health, both physical and mental. Because, as many people say, “What’s the purpose of having money if you won’t be able to spend it?”
Exercise and a nutritious diet have been shown in studies to lower the chance of contracting specific diseases, improve mood, enhance energy, and, most importantly, strengthen the immune system.
Never mind that overrated phrase when everybody says it’s already too late to start exercising and making better dietary choices! Recent research indicates that even those who never exercise or have a poor diet throughout their lives have a significantly reduced chance of developing cardiovascular diseases and dying younger than people who do not.
By exercise, we don’t mean to start bulking up like Arnold Schwarzenegger or turn into an overnight athlete. You just need to engage in moderate-intense physical exercise for 300 minutes every week.
Another word that starts with the letter “P” and contributes to a happy retirement is purpose. Yes, it’s very important to find a purpose other than just surviving your golden years. The idea that retirement involves playing golf, relaxing along the beach, or reading great literature is out of date. Although enjoyable, the traditional hobbies linked with retirement lack a sense of direction or significance, which is something that many retirees believe is crucial.
For instance, a surprising number of retirees feel meaning in their employment. A recent survey found that 3 out of 4 Americans want to work past the typical retirement age, with the majority saying they choose to do so rather than feeling compelled to.
While staying active in the working field, there is also something else that can give you purpose on the way to a happy retirement: volunteering. Rather than spending money on yourself, helping those in need makes you happier. Many people who make financial donations or volunteer for other causes often report feeling happier and healthier, as well as having a deeper sense of purpose and self-worth.
Check out your local volunteer communities if you believe that volunteering is something you should pursue in your senior years. If neither volunteer work nor employment is what you’re looking for, you can try looking for alternative enjoyable activities.
A few retirees prefer to instruct young students. Try it out if you were an excellent student in your adolescent years and you can still recall stuff! I’m sure it will be enjoyable. Remember that there is no perfect recipe for a happy retirement. You know yourself better than anyone else, so it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you!
One of the “P’s” that will have a positive touch for a happy retirement is positivity and an optimistic way to look at things. Researchers discovered that those with high optimism ratings had a reduced death rate and were significantly less likely to experience coronary artery disease or other cardiovascular problems.
Optimistic women had a 50% higher probability, and optimistic males had a 70% higher chance of living to be 85 years old.
It may surprise you to learn that anyone can become optimistic. Studies have demonstrated that very easy, inexpensive activities can help people develop a more positive outlook. One such activity is to intentionally frame every scenario positively.
Retirement is a significant phase of life, and everyone wants to have a happy one. But what does it take to have a successful and happy retirement? Is there a recipe for success or will it just happen eventually?
These are some of the questions that Ted Kaufman and Bruce Hiland answer in their amazing book called Retiring?: Your Next Chapter Is About Much More Than Money, available on Amazon for just $4.26. Learn how to unlock a happy retirement without looking around to see how others are doing!

Have you ever wondered why seniors tend to be more open to pet adoptions? Well, according to scientists, having a furry friend (or more) helps you boost your mood and be more active and happy at the same time. That’s why one of the P’s that improve and make your retirement happier is pets.
Statistics also demonstrate that dogs may provide comfort to those experiencing cognitive decline and that owning a dog has positive effects on both physical and mental health, which can even lengthen life expectancy. Whoa! That’s incredible!
If you can’t raise a dog in your home, birds and cats are two other adorable possibilities. Although they both prefer human contact, cats and birds are more autonomous, making them both lower-maintenance pets.
Retirement is a major life transition that we will all experience at some point. We can’t run from it! But while you may see it as “the big bad wolf” that comes with stress, fear about what the future holds, and other thoughts like your life is over and whatnot, try to take it one step at a time.
Allow yourself to adjust to the changing process as it comes. Establish some daily routines that you enjoy and try sticking with them. Be patient with yourself because the whole process might take a while! Happy Retirement!
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1 thought on “The 6 Ps That Unlock a Happy Retirement, According to Experts”
Very informative. Thank you.