#6 Plan Your Business Expenses
Taxes can be significantly reduced if you work for yourself or as a freelancer by deducting your business expenditures. You may want to think about paying in advance for the following year’s expenses just before the end of 2022 in order to lessen your tax obligation, depending on how much you have already paid for your professional activities this year.
For instance, rather than purchasing supplies monthly, you may order and pay for goods in December 2022 that you’ll need for a number of months in 2023. A tried-and-true approach to lowering your taxable income for the present year is to front-load your expenses for the following year. The timing of your deductions may vary depending on whether you employ the cash method of accounting or an accrual basis.
It’s crucial to remember that every person’s tax situation is unique. Although this year-end tax advice may be useful for you, there isn’t a “one size fits all” method for filing taxes. Make careful to consult a tax adviser before making any important tax decisions.