The Nutmeg State tries its best to help retirees with lower incomes, and in the same fashion as the above-presented states, it has some clear guidelines about your adjusted gross income (AGI) and filing status that will determine if you get a tax reduction or not.
What is even better about Connecticut is that it will never tax more than 25% of your Social Security benefits, and this applies to those who have a higher adjusted gross income than the thresholds. This restriction gives a little relief as compared to full taxes, lowering the financial burden on higher-income seniors.
But let’s see what the thresholds are. For those married and filing jointly or for those who are the head of the house, Social Security benefits will not be taxed if AGI is below $100,000. If you are single or married and filing separately, Social Security benefits are fully exempt from state taxes if AGI is under $75,000.
10 thoughts on “Which States Tax Social Security Benefits in 2025?”
All states should drop SS taxes as we paid those taxes including Federal taxes. SS should not be taxed period.
I agree , SS benefits should not be taxed. We earned this when we were working . This is the main reason why we get taxed while working so that we have money to draw from when we retire and no longer able to work . That money comes from us who got taxed when we were working . If I’m not mistaken , I’ve heard in the news that Trump is recommending this . I got excited when I heard this .I really hope it will go thru.
no tax on social security
I dont think We retires se should pay taxes on out social security mais is ridÃculo low i get less them 800 Who can leave with 800 dollars? Thats ridÃculos We work all out livrs lives too get that amouth . We the prices everything cost thats not even enough for food for a whole month . No i dont agredir in payng taxes on social security .
Why do we have to pay taxes again?? We already paid taxes while we were working. . Why do we the middle class (poor people) have to be the “backbone” of this country?? Why can’t everyone do their share?? Why do
the rich get richer and the rest have to struggle to keep America moving forward!! Where’s the justice in that??
I feel its very wrong to be taxed an money that was alresdy been taxed while working, isnt that double taxation.?????
so correct you are. we pay when we earn and we pay when we spend and then the IRS every year and we are by no means rich. In todays economy, my 63 year old husband works 60 & 70 hour weeks delivering concrete with 2 hip replacements. just to make ends meet s.s. is not an income you can survive on. they say he makes to much so we have to pay, needless to say they tax him severely before he even gets paid. we have no savings left, being on disability at 50, I was told I would not survive, 16 years later, still disabled, paying taxes while the rich get richer. I am now retirement age, what a mess, Thank the Good Lord I started working at 15 in the 70’s. 65 and still paying them due only to my s.s check !!!
SS, Should not be taxed. Retirees earned this amount n wouldn’t that be double taxing. The U.S.Government should step in an make it a law that all States n U.S. Territories stop taxing SS.
Any state that taxes social security the people must vote all of the legislatures from the governor down all out of office. Social security was and has been abused for a long time by beaurocrats