Claiming Social Security Early: 8 Reasons Why You Should Do This

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Photo by pikselstock from Shutterstock

8. You’ve Decided To Start a Business

Some folks see their golden years as a wonderful occasion for them to relax, while others think of retirement as a perfect chance to do things they couldn’t do during their working years. So this is why some people decide to start their own businesses in retirement.

For instance, let’s say you’ve made the same decision but you’re afraid that your business won’t generate enough income. So you postponed any business-related plan.

Well, claiming Social Security early could offer you enough income so you can launch your small business. And if everything goes well, the income it generates may be sufficient to balance the future reduction in benefits. This combined with the best credit card options for seniors is a great combo!

Want to know more about Social Security? Here are 5 Social Security Mistakes That Reduce Your Payments.

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