More taxes on businesses?
Harris was also looking to repeal the TCJA, which would’ve kicked the corporate income tax rate back up to 35%. That was considerably higher than the 28% rate Biden proposed.
The new democratic candidate also supported ending foreign tax shelters by taxing offshore corporate income at the same rate as domestic corporate income. Her climate change plan called for a carbon tax and eliminating tax breaks for the fossil fuel enterprise.
But she backed extending and expanding renewable and clean-energy tax credits, especially for energy storage and other supportive infrastructure.
Kamala also wanted a new 100% tax on pharmaceutical company profits made from “abusive” drug costs, and she wished to take away the drug companies’ deduction for advertising expenses.
Here’s how Kamala Harris feels about taxing the wealthy
Even though the Kamala Harris tax reforms in the past didn’t focus on pummeling the rich, she certainly DID have some proposals to raise taxes on wealthier Americans.
Repealing the TCJA, which Harris has called for, would push the highest individual income tax rate back up to 39.6%; it’s currently at 37%. It would also reimpose limits on itemized deductions if your adjusted gross income exceeded a specific amount.
The estate tax exemption would also have decreased from $11.58 million to around $5.5 million, which means more estates would be subject to taxation.
Ironically, the tax reform act’s $10,000 limit on deductions for state and local taxes would’ve also been eradicated, mainly benefiting wealthy people.
Beyond ditching the TCJA, a few other proposals on the current Democratic runner’s wish list would increase taxes for higher-income people. For example, she supported a plan to hit households making over $100,000 with an additional 4% income-based premium.
She would, however, set a higher income threshold for families living in high-cost areas. Taxing capital gains at an identical rate as ordinary income is something she supported, as well. Kamala also guarantees workers up to six months of paid family and medical leave.
She wanted to impose additional payroll taxes on families making $100,000 or more to cover the costs of her paid family and medical leave plan. Harris also called for a financial transaction tax.
Under this Kamala Harris tax reform, there would’ve been a 0.1% tax on bond trades, a 0.2% tax on stock trades, and a 0.002% tax on derivative transactions.
94 thoughts on “6 Kamala Harris Tax Reforms We Avoided by Choosing Trump”
Most if these discounts do not apply to seniors that are not home owners , the bath jscyzxu makeover also does bit apply if you don’t own a home.
Basically we don’t make the $2,000 whatever the exact range was
And still struggle to choose over paying rent, electricity , medicine
And sometimes food. So in reality what’s so great about these discounts the majority of us are not getting
Nor are we getting extra in our checks. Right now there’s meds my insurance doesn’t cover my health isn’t
The greatest therefore I need my meds. And within the last two months between electricity which is importante due to chronic asthma and sarcoidosis. I need my ac on. And now a new desease which is out of my hands and has become out of control. I’ve had to my np children for help because I don’t have the extra cash to pay for my meds. And I have to have these meds. So what can I do. I am elderly and in a fixed income. Yet I need my meds and I need the electricity first if all for my nebulizar treatments and with this weather that exacerbates my Asthma and my Sarcoidosis which also a lung desease. I would love to get some answers please. Hopefully this won’t be another email not read. Which brings me and many others to square one. AGAIN.
Dear Madelyn:
I am saddened to hear of your situation:
It’s hard to make heads or Tails of these “Reforms: but in reality is more of the same : S.O.S. same old S… different day! I hope things get better for you: How is your diet and weight? they could be contributing factors in the problem : I lost 65 lbs. and many health ailments disappeared : ( I can’t afford meds either on my fixed income: $11,800 per year Social “Insecurity:”
I’m just wondering where will the money for all her promises come from? How much more will it add to the federal deficit? Is she going to continue to send money to Ukraine without any accounting from them and will she be getting biden’s 10% cut now?
NO money is sent to Ukraine. The money we so call give to them is the money for the weapons we give them. I can’t remember a time when we just gave money to another country.
How about the 6B given to IRAN by Obama.
Obama gave Iran, the biggest sponsor of world wide terrorism, 1.2 billion bucks before he left office. That was money he gave his muslim brothers so they could continue their terrorism. That was full coverage back on the news…
That is done all the time. Obama gave IRAN $400 Billion, yes BILLION, in cash. They are using that to terrorize us and the Middle East now! And Biden-Harris dropped sanctions against IRAN, so they now can sell more oil to pay for more Chinese weapons to share with Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and others.
The US has routinely given cash in aid over the years.
I’m sure the Taliban remember. There was an awful lot of CASH left there for them. Besides weaponry. 6 billion to Iran. If you think no money is being sent to The Ukraine, I don’t know what to tell you. Just don’t believe everything you read or hear.
She said corporations would no longer be able to enjoy tax shelters overseas. This should be a huge increase in taxes collected, which would surely offset the cost to aid struggling families. Also, pharmaceutical companies would not continue to be able to deduct the cost of advertising. It’s no wonder all we see are pharmaceutical ads right now!
I have sympathy but no responsibility to financially aid struggling families. To support them with my money is Socialism.
How about the government child support,that should remain a tax credit
Government Healthcare is already a disaster be it Medicaid,Medicare or VA and they’ll be making the Healthcare decisions for you and your loved ones ,my daughter in law ,who grew up in England said we don’t want it and she for sure has her reasons
Is Harris also going to push the unrealized gains tax that Biden wants,check that out,forget about owning anything if that passes
Where is all this money going to come from,print it up, we’ll never say goodbye to inflation at this rate
They want to say that no one is taxed more if they make under $400000.00. I say that inflation created by them is like a huge tax increase. All the corporations may be doing well but is only because they have raised prices to pay for the corporate tax increases. The people pays period!
LOL. They going to tax the uber wealthy more, who have been exploiting the labor of the middle and working classes. Don’t worry you’re not the uber wealthy. And national debt means little when you have a strong currency and money is just a relative concept.
Sending money to Ukraine is about preventing WWIII. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. It’s strategy. Plus they arent sending them money, they’re providing weapons, which means the US war industry is making money without losing American lives.
Excellent analysis and comments.
Our economy is teetering on the edge! It’s not strong.
Middle income Americans will be taxed heavily if the tax breaks are removed. The US gives millions of dollars to many countries ( your money) and not all in the form of weapons. The Gvetnment doesn’t have any money, it’s all OUR money, yours and mine.
Shelly, I’m Janice, Thanks For Your Intelligent and Factual Response. Everyone Knows That Trump Gave the Ultra-Wealthy A Tax Cut, But They Don’t Remember That Trump Cut the $3,000 Personal Exemption On Our Taxes That We Used To Be Able to Claim For Many Years. We Should Be Able to Get It Bavk, Then We Won’t Have to Be Waiting For, or Wondering About More Stimulus Checks Due to Inflation. I Bought A Small Bag of Candy Yesterday. It Cost More Than One Gallon of Gas In Memphis, TN. $2.86 and Lower for Regular Unleaded Thanks to Joe Biden. The Candy Was $2.88. I Also Saw One Gas Station At $2.75 for Regular Unleaded, After I Bought Gas at $2.86 per gallon.
Problem is the criteria used to reflect the economic conditions, don’t accurately reflect
the street level conditions. Jobs up, reported unemployment down! Great.
HOUSING COSTS insane in cost, followed by food, energy, medical, insurance, and taxes. These are the actual street level conditions. Affordable housing $250,000 to $700,000. Affordable for WHO. Not at even $25 per hour.
I hope she will continue to support Ukraine with all the money they need to defeat Russia.
We’re going to TAX the BILLIONAIRES like we used to! Republicans are bought and paid for by corporations and the 1%. It’s time we had a President who looks out for the rest of us!!
Of we take control of house and senate, and especially the senate with enough that the republicans can’t still use that filibuster that they always use when they’re is a bill on the floor that would help the middle and poor class, but anyway we need the billionaires paying there fair share the middle and poor class can’t keep this country afloat while giving billionaires huge tax break and low taxes, they need to help out to keep this country and the people in it above water and they can’t stop floating around space
Is she going to get rid of the odious double taxation of US citizens living abroad. She should abolish citizenship based taxation, which is basically taxation without representation. What would the founding fathers say!! The USA is the only country in the world apart from Eritrea that imposes this awful burden on its expat citizens. It’s a disgrace.
Are you sure about that? Any non-US taxes I pay are offset aginst US Federal tax due using form 1116.
I don.t agree with Jan on this . If they can afford to live overseas they can afford to pay more taxes or stay home and spend your money in the USA.
Let’s put her in the oval office inside the white house.I like the idea to cut ✂️ taxes for the lower & middle class citizen. Let’s take care of the people’s in the united state first then help others in other parts of the world 🌎
i would love to know what you think she has done that last almost 4 years in office
I agree with you about take care of the people’s in the united state first then help others in other parts of the world.
Think Kamala Harris should fix this before she deals with.
I think it looks pretty good, lets go Kamala!!!!!!!
Let’s go Kamala!!!
Really? Where is the help to those on social security?
Lol 🤣😆🤣😆
I also think it looks good. Go, Kamala!
Have another cup of Kool-aide my friend. This woman is a train wreck. She did not earn the Honor of being selected Vice President. She was just a Trojan Horse to pander votes. The requirement was to just be the right gender, and being a person of color ! At selection time she couldn’t even state where that color even came from ! There where even better female choices but would not have met the second requirement ! Her shirking of her responsibility with the Southern Border along with her boss have done so much damage to this country that it will take more than 4yrs. of any President’s term to undo. Our mess is largely Obama working the Biden puppet from behind the curtain. Remember The Wizard Of Oz ? We need the best candidate that can truly move our country to respect, economic sanity,trust , knowledge who is walking around our country dealing massive amounts of drugs that are killing our children. It certainly nor unreasonable to suspect that this country could continue to be destroyed from the inside ! We are always seeing the rise in very serious crimes, theft of technology , and spying . As for Donald Trump, we must try to discourage people from thinking of just voting an anti-Trump ballot. Not many are generally doing better because of the present administration ! We do need to find ways of redistributing our county’s wealth, but not by do nothing give aways. If the wealthy are getting tax breaks without, I agree producing good jobs in many parts of the country, that’s wrong. We need the best qualified person of either party. All I say is please give serious consideration and discuss this with trusted knowlegible sources. Thank you for hearing me out. Hope you have a great Summer. I would welcome a response if you would like. I’m out for now, Buddy Cohen Vietnam Veteran 1969-1970
Exactly I agree Kamala Harris does not want to fix the problem at the southern border and Biden is a puppet run by Obama
Balderdash, she is just blowing Biden’s smoke.
45/47 is a Saddam Hussein / Stalin / Putin wannabee. As I consider myself to be a red blooded American Patriot, I will not be considering anyone like that.
James many of us think it was trump that left the one percent big tax breaks and the deficit went up while Lower and middle class did not receive a tax break, they have the burden of paying the deficit and it went up with another Republican that gave the rich a tax break Bush Jr. Bush and Cheney brought the deficit way up only Cheneys company which he steps down from Halibuton got Billion s of dollars for the contract to service the oil in Iraq and servicing the wells there. he ignored our vets too. Yes he built up our military up too which has not always been right.
Sounds great. I am not in the position to greatly benefit but sounds like it helps those who need it most. In an era where on MECUM Auto Auctions you see people not bat an eye at spending $3,000,000.00 on a rare Ford Mustang we can afford to help those in need,
We need to redo all taxes, we need to look at who we give money to in this world and decide with the people who we should be helping. We should be spending all this money and all these countries without some knowledge of why we’re spending all our money in these other countries instead of here, why do our taxes go up just so we can give it away to somebody else.
You cannot spend money you don’t have, either sending it to other countries or on entitlement programs without raising taxes.
It appears that when money supports other countries, some is kicked back to politicians. Hence the Hunter lap top issues.
It was interesting to listen to the DNC describe how bad thing are and how the democrats are going to fix it. Are they not the same party in control the last four years? Why haven’t they fixed anything?
Can retirement age go down…
Not everyone age the same….???
the proof of the pudding is in he tasting/ you can get set for who knows what will happen with our taxes. I can see double taxation and other goof ball things being done to bring in more money to the government coffers. Look at what goes on now and more to come with uncertain
ways for the government to take in more of our hard earned money. Digital dollars is one way they will determine what you can do with your money. they will know what you are spending on and you will hear from them. Kamala will carry on the tradition of spending and what goes on with Biden which I do not like
All of those refundable tax credits for lower middle class and below is just a new name for welfare.
Where is all this money coming from, my taxes should not be used as a government child support,a tax break but not a monthly check , no government Healthcare,I deal with VA and what a disaster that is anything the government touches ,especially this administration turns into a disaster. Thanks to Joe Biden I’m already paying a tax on a tax,my SSI and is she going to push thr unrealized tax also
What a cluster
I do like the tax reforms Kamala is suggesting! The middle class is disappearing… we need to bring it back!
After reviewing the tax code changes, assuming Harris wins the election, it looks and smells of nothing but more of the same that Biden covertly was proposing. Punish the wealthy by imposing more tax simply based on the belief that they have plenty and should pay more of the bill. Giving more money to low-income families instead of incentivizing them to improve with training program to develop marketable skills. No. She would want to give tax credits to people living in Section 8 housing, in spite of the fact that they are already having a portion of their rent subsidized by the federal government. At the end of the day, more taxes actually hurts GDP because companies will realize lower profits. Lower profits mean operating cuts. What is the biggest expense of any business. Labor. Yep. Companies would have to layoff employees in order to reduce expenses and maintain profit levels. Or do you think companies are in business simply to give people a place to work? Well apparently, Harris has not thought this one through either. Bottom line is, until government develops plans to reduce spending, they can tax the hell out of everybody and not move the needle. Winston Churchill once said that taxing a nation toward prosperity, is “like a man in a bucket trying to left himself up by the handle” you can tax everyone and everything. At the end of the day, we would have the biggest recession in American history and a major portion of the country will be thrown into a state of poverty. The only saving grave at present for the USA, is that we have the strongest economy in the world and we can still borrow money at rock bottom rates and other countries invest in our debt. If these countries ever decided to liquidate their portfolios, we are dead. With the help of major tax reforms like Harris is proposing, big business in America will go idle therefore ceasing our great economy.
I agree, but nobody is thinking about the ways they ( democrats ) are in time will get rid of our constitution and turn this country socialist, with help from china ! Look at how much they lie to us
While it sounds good in a sense, one has to wonder where all of this money is supposed to come from? More taxes from somewhere? An even larger amount the USA would be in debt? (Unfortunately I can’t remember the word for it but you know what I mean)… Money HAS to come from somewhere… It doesn’t grow on trees.
We see the cost side; how about “where will this money come from” side, besides from tax increases, which we know will be passed down to all of us!!
The US needs to start removing wasteful spending and stop “buying” votes by giving things (cash) to voters. This is total craziness. – Think of Country first; your election (and potential re-election) last!!
David, you are so right!!! Simple and right to the point! Someone has to pay for all the giveaways. And it will be us. The size of our government is so bloated, it’s about to explode – get it under control, then start paying down our unmanageable debt!!! As someone else said, if all countries we owe would call in our IOUs, we’d be dead in the water! Vote red to save our freedom.
You bet! I’m with her!
She is not President material. The way she got to be Vice-President was that Biden said, I heard the speech, My running mate will be a woman and be of color. Biden said It will be a woman and she will be black. That is how she got the job.
There should be relief for medical expenses. The current current deduction should be revised to
allow for all medical expenses without an income test.
My daughter worked hard to get where she is as a Nurse Practitioner but she will be penalized for succeeding and now makes over $100,000. Apparently it is better to not strive to better yourself and let the government take care of you. That is Socialism. We are a Capitalist country where your hard work pays off
Clearly you know nothing about what other countries do, The United States is the cheapest Country to enter and We do more for people than other countries that’s why so many people want to come here.
The first thing she needs to do is stop taxing social security benefits since we paid taxes on the money when we earned it.
Reversing the 2017 tax cuts will mean a tax increase for all of us. On a percentage basis, lower income will be hit much harder.
You missed the fact she wants to ban fracking for oil. Do you have any idea what that will do to prices in the U.S.? All costs will rise (reduced oil supply from the U.S.) , revenues for Russia and Iran will skyrocket supplying them more money to fund their wars and aggression. If we cut oil production in the U.S., costs for everything would rise. There are over 200 products that are made from oil, not just gas. She has no idea that impact on the American economy when she is touting with banning fracking.
Hey Phil if you are in the East Texas lower cotton valley reserves and when it depletes you need to frack the upper cotton valley it is good but what are the deficits in our environment. you are right. The Democrats are right about the fossil fuels and climate change and we are feeling bthe brunt of storms these last few years. the Republicans do not care but the economy will wither if she stops fracking and nlike you said in only boldens are enemys they pump and prices go up. I think Biden did a good thing when he went to Saudi Arabia and talked to them on increasing the production and long after Biden is gone he support the green initiative and we will see a drop in electricity because of the ship that is going to be setting off windmills off our sovereign waters which other regimes should not get credit for just like Texas Republicans that do not uphold out Texas constitution and does not give a sh”t for the working class along with some other southern states that are dominantly Republican’s. They care less about the working and middle class or social security. have a great day love to respond with my opinion 68 and still going. go Phil
How about increasing the taxes of the rich and elites and big corporations that only pay at the max 18% or less and many pay 0%. Most Middle class pay 25% to 28% taxes on there income.
Increase tax % for the rich elites and big corporations from 18 % to 28%, most Middle class people pay 25% to 28%.
Hey Donald, if you are in the East Texas lower cotton valley reserves and when it depletes you need to frack the upper cotton valley it is good but what are the deficits in our environment. you are right. The Democrats are right about the fossil fuels and climate change and we are feeling the brunt of storms these last few years. the Republicans do not care but the economy will wither if she stops fracking and like Donald said it only boldens are enemies if they pump and prices go up and it hurts the economy and strengthens our enemies. I think Biden did a good thing when he went to Saudi Arabia and talked to them on increasing the production and long after Biden is gone he supported the green initiative and we will see a drop in electricity because of the ship that is going to be setting off windmills off our soveriegn waters which other regimes should not get credit for just like Texas Republicans that do not uphold out Texas constitution and does not give a sh”t for the working class along with some other southern states that are dominantly Republican. They care less about the working and middle class or social security. have a great day love to respond with my opinion 68 and still going. Thats right Phil but I know the Republicans will stop what good people like you want to tax and leave the working class and middle class we need to restructure the the legislator tax codes like phil states, Both have valid points
Lighten up, she won’t get anything crazy through congress as the most likely scenario is the Republicans will hold the house and regain the he Senate. If she is able to raise taxes on people making over $2 million a year, I won’t shed any tears for them.
Well that has been the problem we need to go blue, but the economists are right on stopping fracking in the Oil Business as I have stated in my comments to stop fracking the us oil wells will strengthen are enemies and the price of gas will go up.. The climate is a problem and fossil fuels have warmed this planet and more devastation will come if the Republican agenda goes and when can an ordinary citizen been convicted of one felony cannot even get a decent job as a convicted felon. Yet approximately 50 percent believe it’s okay to be President of the USA if convicted of many felonies as Trump was convicted by his peers and loved and nominated by his Republican Colleagues at the Republican’s convention, so I urge all to have compassion for the working class bring back the middle class and tax the elites, the corporations or anyone that makes a million or more be taxed 28 % from 18% . But like you said the Republicans will block that why we need a majority in the senate and house we are getting closer on getting rid of Ted Cruz here in Texas. Have a great day
It has been pretty obvious that as president Harris will work hard to destroy the American dream along with the middle class. Isn’t this what all Marxist regimes have always stood for. And how
well have those societies fared over the coarse of history?
Grumpty Dumpy Trumpty gave away the whole store to rich corporations who never pay their share – think Amazon, Fedex, which paid NO taxes some years. A nod to middle class and lower income families is welcome.
A corporation conducts business, realizes net income or loss, pays taxes and distributes profits to shareholders. If you own their stock you profit as well. The profit of a corporation is taxed to the corporation when earned and then is taxed to the shareholders when distributed as dividends. Corporations typically pay payroll taxes. Medicare and Social Security taxes on any salaries paid to employees.
Corporations do not pay taxes. Any taxes they pay to the government comes from the people that the corporations supply goods or services to. If they owe the government more in taxes, their customers costs will just increase
All of these proposals will only increase the exploding federal deficit. Politicians never seem to learn that they can’t spend into infinity without negative consequences for everyone, including those with limited incomes. Kamala is the typical politician pandering for votes with zero understanding of how our economic system functions. Giving people more money without producing anything on the other end only makes inflation far worse than the official statistics promoted over the last three and one-half years.
How can she do all this and support all the illegals ( or whatever they are calling them now) with free housing, credit cards for expenses and free medical care? My husband is 74 and had to go back to work to help pay for my Obama Care monthly costs,( $445/mo w $9,400 deductible) because I am disabled but fighting the SS to be able to get disability. Yet they get it free?!? Ridiculous
Families making $100k is not what it used to be; especially with rising costs and taxes. One thing is certain, she fits the “tax and spend” stereotype playing Robin Hood. So for those who’ve spent most of their life striving to do better financially we continue to be penalized to pay for those who didn’t? Here’s a novel idea – stop sending billions of dollars to other countries and let’s focus those dollars at home instead of increasing the already unreasonable tax burden.
I think comments, are just like opinions, everyone has one , and most of the time, yours is not going to agree with someone else’s. And the person that it should matter to, could really care less. Oh and I’m sure 99.9% of America agrees.
1. Giving child tax exemptions for children is much better than taxing childless families more
2. What about seniors. I see the no tax/ offset for families with less than 100,000 income but let’s stop taxing SS and property for retired persons.
3. US expats should not be taxed like US residents. Few other vounyried still do this and we receive minimal benigits or representation under this system.
4. Tax on any religious organizations that spend high amounts on their orgsntoztions or have any political cross over. (megs churches)
5. Off shore or other national accounts. Yes find a way to go after big incomes that hide profits or hide money off shore. Stop treating us regular expats ( with or with out foreign incomes ) like criminals trying to hide money or launder money. I’m sure it’s not that hard to know the difference .
6. Get some control over govt spendings d salaries to the legislature. It was supposed to be a service to service the US people’s. No position should be earning more than the top military compensation.
The increased taxes will be disastrous. The USA has a spending problem. Let’s start there and see what kind of progress can be made before burdening the citizens. Giving tax credits is just another form of a giveaway. Jobs will get rid of that need. So let bring back manufacturing to the USA by levying tariffs that will level the playing field. Drive corporate tax rates lower to incentivize businesses to comeback. She has it all wrong.
She doesn’t have what it takes to be the next president people were so happy to replace Biden and get someone else to run I don’t see were she sees the big picture!!!!
Trump can get it down the words make America Great is what the country needs done.
I agree with all of VP Harris’ tax changes. It appears she is finally providing fair assistance to the middle-class citizen. I agree with. Jan, below, that Harris should not allow double taxation of those living abroad. Also, the taxes imposed on those individuals should be determined by considering the different currency rates and not implementing a blanket tax percentage on all individuals.
Kamala Harris will go with the Biden policies which are Obama’s polices. She has no business running this country. She will promise you Heaven and deliver you Hell.
Who will run the Tax policies of America, George Soros and Alex Soros.
I do not see any help for those on social security. Those who no longer can work after all their years of employment?
I am opposed to all of these.
Hirer Taxes & Freebie Money, still going to create more Debt for our Country.
It doesn’t help the Middle Class. We constantly get screwed from our Gov’t
How about sending Illegals back to their own Countries, its Not Sustainable for us to continue w/ pay for them. Its a Huge Burden.
I totally agree!!! That money needs to go to our VETERANS. They are the ones that give their time and Body parts to keep our country safe and free. Take that money and get them off the streets and give them safety. Want to build housing to give away? Give it to our veterans that is homeless. Help our hungry be able to eat instead of having to do without to pay their bills. As my Grandpaw would say this country has gone to hell in a handbasket.
Looks like she is increasing taxes on a lot if middle class workers. The corporate tax will drive prices up for most items. She also wants mandatory Medicare for All, and wants to eliminate private insurance. So much for choices. Her Medicare plan also provides free Medicare for 10-20 million illegal aliens. She thinks that a 70-80 % tax is nit out of the question to pay for her massive spending. I just listened to her say equity and equality are not the sane and some just need more to succeed. How can she think some need more, but opposes school choice, which is a great way to get out of bad school systems and choose a better school. She is the most radical and liberal socialist we have. She is a huge threat to making our democracy into a socialist state.
That’s only the first step. After socialism it’ll turn to a dictatorship. Who will be the dictator? Kumswala or a few corporations. Or maybe just one……Blackrock? WEF? That’s my speculation.. Globalists one world government. Soon, kiss your cash goodbye. Everyone NOW uses electronic money. Use cash as much as possible. Use it or lose it!!!! Do we really want to give them that much control??? All of our money , electronic and controlled by someone else! Might say or think the wrong thing. They turn your cash flow off for awhile..or longer!! Look at the truckers in Canada. Didn’t like them protesting the forced fake jab. That’s where we are headed with the money situation with the current regime. Just speculation as I said, but it’s already in motion. Trump is this country’s last chance right now to possibly stop it…. or at least prolong it. At least Trump with his tax policy will keep the rich business owners right here in America, for jobs. They get taxed, they leave. They go to China, and those American workers now no longer have a job. Taxing the stock market? How’s that going to work? Usually, you sell….you pay tax. Kamala wants to tax , before it sold?/ It doesn,t make any sense. The value fluctuates from literally from one minute to the next. What base is she going to tax? All I say right now is Trump 2024
I think we should not be voting for the charisma of the next president but voting for the policies that they will represent. Kamala’s policies are truly socialist and will deviate the country to a much worse scenario that we are in already. It is time for a change to how it used to be before Obama and Bidenomics.
There is video footage of pallets of cash being delivered to Iran . . . maybe you missed or forgot about that . . . ?
It could work for some people but I don’t think it will work for all but if it does work for those who really need it I am for it at least some benefit
I will believe it when I see it. She has every ability to start doing what she says she will do while she’s in the White House right now so so why doesn’t she get the ball rolling?
A gains tax would destroy home ownership. It would result in massive increase in homeless people. It would also destroy manufactiuing and then our economy. Note: federal tax was 10% for the lowest income under Obama administration but increased to 12% under Biden_Harris administration. So much for helping the lower income, middle class. Moreover, socialism has been tried and failed in every country (even Russia) . Harris’ plans will create chaos and destroy America.
Does anyone really think any of this is HER idea?
Simple flat income tax rate across the board takes all the loop holes and “make taxes fair” which should be the only position anyone should take. Does kamala disavow her father’s Marxist beliefs,unlikely. America is not and should never become a Marxist nation. Want to see unfair look at Marxist and communist countries at the lower income levels. There is no true middleclass in socualist communist or Marxist countries and kamala beliefs will do nothing but bankrupt the country. Why are people so happy thinking about going after the large companies and corporations being taxed more than everyone. And this offshore residents tax is a learned behavior this woman learned in California they are coming after residents that left California for more taxes because we moved. Everyone has an opinion and this is mine just being black doesn’t qualify you to be president anymore than being a girl does. TRUMP 2024