25 Ways to Stay Active in Retirement

active Seniors and Social Security
Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

Grow your friendship group

You have now plenty of time to get to know different people who are just as active as you better than before. So rather than just sticking to your old group of friends in your own age group, make friends with people of all ages.

This might expose you to all sorts of new experiences and different points of view, which might help you stay young at heart. Younger friends might also benefit from your life experience. You could even sign up for a pen pal scheme, with Postpals.

Stay active and social

Whether we’re talking about catching up with your friends on Facebook, setting up a WhatsApp group for ladies who go out to lunch, or even chaps who prefer chatting all afternoon, it’s definitely never easy to properly stay in touch.

So start getting up to speed with social media and any other online communication platform, so you can chat with friends and family in all corners of the world, whenever you like to.

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