25 Ways to Stay Active in Retirement

Photo by Jacob Lund from Shutterstock

Explore the local area you live in

Round-the-world trips or even luxury cruises are a big fat retirement cliché, but at the same time, there’s a whole world to explore around the zone you live in. If you have been working 9 to 5 or more, your universe has probably shrunk in the last years, only to a couple of spots, such as your home, workplace, and commuting route.

There’s definitely somewhere that you would LOVE to go, and it’s an hour’s drive from your front door, so go and find it! Start searching for forgotten footpaths, hidden woodlands, secluded river walks, and even cross-country trails.

You might like strolling sedately or hiking a place, and if so, there is probably plenty of chances to find a walking group local to you. If you want to make sure you aren’t trespassing and don’t get lost somewhere else, make sure you check out all the resources that are available at Walking for Health.

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