25 Ways to Stay Active in Retirement

Photo by Elena Vasilchenko from Shutterstock

Research your family tree

Have you ever wondered if you’re a descendant of royalty? Are you curious to know where your ancestors lived and what they did for a living? Well, thanks to a whole host of online resources like Find My Past, researching your family tree can be easier than ever.

Simply check out census records, military records, and even globetrotting relatives from passenger lists. Who knows what you’ll find out? You can also get your children and grandkids involved, and make it some sort of family project.

This is a wonderful gift to offer to your entire family, and generations that will come will be extremely grateful for it!

Dress the part

If you are passionate about days that have gone by or simply love an excuse to dress up, you can join a local drama society and even re-enactment group that could fit your style.

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