25 Ways to Stay Active in Retirement

Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

Get more musical

What? You’ve always dreamt about learning a brand new instrument, or re-learning what you forgot? If you have neglected this dream of yours for many years, now is the perfect time to find your inner maestro.

Whether you want to learn how to sing at the piano, bass guitar, clarinet, drums, theremin, or even serpent, you have plenty of time and discipline that you probably didn’t have before. And if you’re already ready to hold a tune, consider joining a choir. Community choirs are thriving in America!

Learn to dance

There are only a few things that are more effective than dancing, especially when we talk about keeping both body and brain as healthy as possible and trying to delay the effects of aging.

It’s also amazingly fun, even if you think you can’t actually dance. You can try whatever style would suit you best, such as line dancing, ballroom, salsa, tap, ballet, and even regular dance classes will keep you up on your toes.

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