10 Valuable Skills You Can Learn in a Month or Less

Valuable Skill
Photo by Daniel Jedzura at Shutterstock


Wouldn’t this be a neat addition to your resume? Becoming a notary can be a valuable skill if you decide to make a little extra cash by endorsing document signatures. While state requirements vary, most require just a few hours of training.

Learn to draw

Some people are born with the artistic ability to see something and simply draw it. But for those of us who weren’t, it’s heartening to know that it is a valuable skill we can pick up. That means that it can analyzed, taught, and learned.

You can take courses on platforms, including Udemy. But before you do that, we suggest checking out Drawabox. This is a free series and community.

What started as a Reddit thread of artists trying to give back and teach other people how to draw became seven lessons that can be found on a YouTube Channel. And while 7 lessons might not sound like a lot, a lot of practice is involved.

That said, it’s all fun work if you want to become an artist in your golden years. And the best part is that these 7 lessons take you from the basics to new ways of seeing that will improve your drawing.


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