5 Things EVERY Retiree Must Know About Nursing Homes

nursing homes
Image BY Monkey Business Images From Shutterstock

You do not have to live in one forever.

The biggest misconception around nursing homes is that once people go to one, they will end up being there for a long period of time. And while it is true for some patients, most of them end up leaving after a few months. On average, each patient ends up spending around one year in a nursing home.

This is because, for every resident that is going to live out their life in nursing homes, there are more patients that are going to be checked in for a shorter term. There are people who only need time to adjust and recover after some medical intervention or health condition, such as hip replacement surgery or even a stroke, and checking into a nursing home is going to be the most beneficial move for them.

A lot of the short-term care can even be fully covered by Medicare if you sign up for it; it is going to cover up to 100 days of care for every benefit period. This means that if you were worried about rehabilitation after something like hip or knee surgery if you have Medicare, you may have just solved your problem.

For longer stays that are not going to be covered by Medicare or any sort of private health insurance you may have, you can look into seeing if they can be covered by Medicaid or even by long-term care insurance if you have signed up for such a program.

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