5 Things EVERY Retiree Must Know About Nursing Homes

nursing homes
Image By Inside Creative House From Shutterstock

Make sure you check out who owns the home you’re thinking of going to.

One of the things you will want to check when it comes to nursing homes is who operates and owns the ones you are interested in. In the United States, 70% of all the operating nursing homes are made for professionals, while about 25% are owned by nonprofit organizations, and the rest of 5% are run by different government entities.

It can be easy to just classify any of these nursing homes into good and bad categories, but the truth is not so black and white. In each of these ownership situations, you are going to find both good and bad nursing homes, so this is where your research is going to be really important so that you can filter out the bad apples.

On average, the nonprofit ones are going to benefit from higher staffing levels, and according to research, you are going to see about 4.28 hours of staff attention for each resident per day in them. In the for-profit ones, the average goes down to about 3.56 hours for each resident per day.


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