7 Ugly Truths About Retirement

End-of-Life Care Decisions
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

You’ll Have To Talk To Your Kids About Your End-of-Life Care Decisions

It’s pretty hard to start or to have a conversation about your own mortality with your loved ones. I mean, even thinking about that makes most people feel sad and uncomfortable.

But your family needs to be prepared for this imminent event and aware of your end-of-life preferences. Most of us have a vague idea of wanting a good death and hope it will be this way. The truth is, the older you get, the more susceptible to disease and disability you become.

This being said, it’s best for you to start asking yourself some questions. Where would you want to receive care?  Should doctors use prolonging-life measures and if so, when and for how long? Everyone has the right to freely decide this by oneself.

Discussing your decisions with your family will also lower the stress as they won’t have to guess (and maybe disagree) what they think you would have wanted.

If you found this article helpful, check this out too to find out 10 Mistakes to Avoid When You Retire.

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