6 US States to Live a Long Life

Image By f11photo From Shutterstock


If you’ve led an active life and you don’t plan to stop anytime soon, then Colorado may just be the state for you. Not only is the life expectancy after the age of 65 here quite high (20.1 years), but the gap between the average for men and women is the lowest among all the states on the list (19 years for men and 21.1 years for women).

Let’s be honest, when you think about Colorado, you envision the ski slopes and various winter lodges that everyone raves about, or maybe one of the many hiking trails that a lot of people love to go on in order to make the most of the fresh mountain air.

This may be the secret to why so many retirees not only choose this state to live in but also end up having long retirement years: the activity and the call of nature help them keep in shape and not forget the very active life they once had. You can both enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere while also having a way in which to stay active.

Maybe it was already on your list of best places to live! After all, this state is one of the most popular when it comes to people choosing the state they want to retire in. And we can not blame them, as the state has so much to offer that you would need 20 years or more to explore it!

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5 thoughts on “6 US States to Live a Long Life”

  1. it appears most recommended offering are in cold climates, are there any that offer warmer climates. good health care. affordable living. low are no taxes on retirement income

  2. MA, NY, NJ, CT, MN, and HI are some of the highest taxed states in the country, and all except HI are cold weather states, also you need a high income to live in all of the listed states, but I do know from living in MN that the hospitals are better in northern states than southern states on the fact more people live in those states but living in SC is great weather is great it’s cheaper you can own a home for under 100k and you can live on a 2k social security check in SC you would be hard pressed to do that in any of the states mentioned in this article.

  3. LOL; all blue states begging people to come back or stay. You can keep your sanctuary policies and corruption…hard pass.

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