Never Retire in These 5 States!

Image by Roman Samborskyi from Shutterstock

Do you plan to retire in any of these places?

Retirement should be your golden years. This is the perfect time to relax, follow your passions, and simply savor the life you worked so hard to build. But there is a factor that matters very much and that can make the difference between a dream and a nightmare. The place you live in. 

Not all states are created equal, and while some of them are the perfect locations for seniors, others are places no older person would like to live because of the harsh conditions or economic status.

Cost of living, taxes, healthcare, and crime concerns are all factors those who want to retire consider before relocating, and this is why we are here today. We want to talk a little bit more about this topic and find out what the worst states to retire are.

It’s time to analyze how these states fall short in critical areas! If you are planning to move, you should think twice about the location, and this article is here to help you avoid retiring in the worst places possible.

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1 thought on “Never Retire in These 5 States!”

  1. There is no excuse for State in the Union to tax Americans to this extentt, especially, retiree’s. This is shameful conduct by our Representatives not to look after our most precious Americans, babies and seniors.

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