Never Retire in These 5 States!

Image by Rudy Balasko from Shutterstock


Chicago is for sure a city that seems worth relocating, especially for its cultural scene. But this is not the whole state. The suburban charm combines perfectly with wine trails and bustling urban centers all around the corner. This can seem like a dream come true at first glance, but if you look underneath, you will unpleasantly discover that Illinois is probably the worst place to live in the whole US.

One of the main concerns of Illinois is financial stability. Long-term debts, massive unfunded pension liabilities, and persistent budget imbalances are all present here, and many people don’t know or are simply unable to deal with all of this.

These financial problems have led to high property taxes and steep state and local taxes, and this makes Illinois one of the worst states to retire. Then, the healthcare costs are higher than average, while the health outcomes for its residents are poor compared to other states.

If you live in rural areas, things are even worse. Healthcare services are extremely limited, and the winters are incredibly harsh. Significant snowfall and icy conditions are present here the whole winter, and this makes it hard for seniors to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.


1 thought on “Never Retire in These 5 States!”

  1. There is no excuse for State in the Union to tax Americans to this extentt, especially, retiree’s. This is shameful conduct by our Representatives not to look after our most precious Americans, babies and seniors.

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