12 Calmest States in Our Beautiful Nation, Ranked by Stress Score

If you’re looking for peace and relaxation in retirement, you may want to consider the calmest states in the US!

From the rising costs of groceries to the rollercoaster housing market, everyone has reason to be a bit stressed out. But, according to a new report, the stress level you experience can also be influenced by where you live.

And the truth is, no matter where you live, you’ve likely been reaching for the stress ball over the past couple of years. At the same time, the resulting inflation continues to hit us right in our savings. Yet, it turns out, people experience stress in some areas more than others.

A recent survey ranked every state’s residents’ level of stress. Researchers analyzed four common areas of stress: Work, family, money, health, and safety.

They looked at factors ranging from the hours of quality sleep to the number of hours worked to the number of personal bankruptcies. According to that analysis, these are the country’s 12 calmest states!

… Read through and be sure to let us know if you’d consider relocating for retirement!

Calmest State
Photo by tokar at Shutterstock


Overall stress score: 37.53

Researchers conducting this study discovered that Virginians are pretty stressed about work (coming in 14th among other states). The good news is that if you’re retired, this won’t affect you. And they’re feeling quite satisfied regarding their health, safety, and money.

Rhode Island

Overall stress score: 38.40

If you want to substantially lower your stress levels, relocate to the smallest state in the nation: Rhode Island! With miles upon miles of stunning beaches, charming small towns, and a welcoming culture, this is the ultimate place to find peace and serenity.

North Dakota

Overall stress score: 37.28

Even though the survey indicated that those who live in North Dakota experience enough work-related stress to rank it in the top 10 among states, its relatively low ranking in money and family stress made it one of the calmest states overall.


Overall stress score: 37.66

It should come as no surprise that the land of giant waves and lush, beautiful nature is one of the calmest states on our list… and probably on the planet!

Whether you prefer to island hop and engage in tropical trekking or spend your time on or below the waves, you can enjoy an abundance of peace of mind in this island state.


Overall stress score: 37.17

It turns out, residents of Connecticut enjoy rather low stress levels related to money, health and safety. But it’s also on our list of the calmest states because we love visiting in the fall when the leaves begin to change colors!


Overall stress score: 30.42

Minnesota is apparently the calmest state in the US, according to the report. Residents of this state say they experience the least amount of family and money-related stress. This state also has the second-highest average hours of sleep nightly, behind Colorado.

Known as the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” Minnesota was even named one of the top states to live and work in CNBC’s annual study. With picturesque beauty galore, Minnesota is a northern paradise situated right on the largest Great Lake: Lake Superior.

With seasonal outdoor activities that range from camping and hiking in the summer months to ice fishing in the winter, Minnesota is a terrific place to embrace your retirement life.


Overall stress score:  36.59

With national rankings of 49th for money-related stress and 42nd for family-related stress, it turns out that Iowa is the 6th calmest state overall. Who knew, right? Would YOU consider moving here to live out your retirement life in the potato state?


Overall stress score: 43.20

Another one of the calmest states with the lowest stress level is Washington, an heavenly Pacific Coast paradise with lots of nature and top-notch cities like Seattle.

If you decide to live out your retirement life here, you’ll get a big dose of Vitamin Sea and also have your pick of peaks to summit if you like the outdoors.

Calmest State
Photo by TLF Images at Shutterstock


Overall stress score: 36.55

From the relaxing beaches and majestic nature to the bustling cities, this is one of those calmest states that’s actually in a league of its own!

Whether you want to climb the Berkshire Mountains, relax in the lavish Martha’s Vineyard, or tale a leisurely stroll in one of the state’s most incredible cities, Boston, you’ll find plenty of ways to unwind in Massachusetts.


Overall stress score: 42.69

Full of cosmopolitan cities and charming small towns, this is another one of America’s calmest states, and it’s in a class of its own.

You’ll discover that its significant coastline is speckled with beautiful lighthouses and delicious food. All in all, you’ll have a refreshing experience in this northern state on the Atlantic Ocean.


Overall stress score: 38.23

While spring may be among the best times to see Nebraska’s stunning locations, you can’t go wrong with visiting the Cornhusker State any time of the year… or even relocating to live out your retirement life!

This wild and incredibly beautiful state has plenty of national parks, many hiking trails, and lively cities like Omaha, where you can tap into a delightfully Midwestern vibe.

South Dakota

Overall stress score: 35.15

Survey says… South Dakotans experience the least amount of family-related stress in the entire country, according to researchers. That makes this the 4th calmest state nationwide, even though it only rated 26th for health-and-safety-related stress.

Calmest State
Photo by Jacob Lund at Shutterstock

Tips for managing stress in retirement

Whether or not you live in one of the calmest states, various lifestyle factors can play a massive role in how stressed out you feel regularly. And everyone needs some help relaxing and unwinding from time to time. Here are some ideas to help you relax:

-Consider therapy: If your stress originates from your relationships, therapy is a wonderful way to learn some new coping and communication strategies to ease some of life’s most significant burdens.

-Set healthy boundaries: Setting boundaries can positively impact your overall emotional well-being and help you avoid burnout.

-Set a budget: If money issues are stressing you out, plan a monthly budget and stick to it. Consider areas of your life that cost the most and see where you can make changes. Here’s a budget planner from Amazon we think you’ll love!

-Control your breathing: Be more mindful of each breath you take to ensure you aren’t shallow breathing, which causes stress levels to rise, thanks to adding more tension to your body. Try the 4-7-8 breathing method that focuses on inhaling through your nose, holding your breath, and exhaling through your mouth.

-Get the proper amount of sleep: Ensure you’re getting to bed early enough to get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of rest nightly.

-Try yoga or meditation: These activities help unwind your body AND mind. Also, it’s important to move your body, and yoga helps you do just that… without spending hours in a gym

-Keep yourself hydrated: Hydration is essential because it helps your body react to stress better, besides all those other health benefits.

-Spend more time doing things that make you laugh: A good laugh can allow your mind and muscles to relax while relieving stress. Schedule a hangout with friends who make you laugh or watch a funny show.

-Make a list: When we’re feeling stressed we usually feel less in control of what’s going on with our lives. Take back some of that control by making lists with tasks you can effortlessly and quickly accomplish to give you the satisfaction of checking them off. Plus, lists can help you remember your to-dos without thinking about them all the time.

-Keep a journal: Merely putting everything down in a journal can help release damaging thoughts.

Have you ever been to any of these amazing places? Please fell free to share your thoughts with Retired In USA in the comments section below.

And if you found this article informative, we highly recommend you also read: Retirement Planning Pitfalls: 5 Shocking Reasons Seniors Blow Up Their Golden Years


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