6 Ways to Max Out Your Roth IRA in 2023

There is a maximum amount of money you can put into a Roth IRA account, and that’s $6,000, or $7,000 if you are 50 or older. What’s interesting about this subject is that even in the case you have the means and possibility to contribute with such an amount of money, you’d still have to plan it properly.

If you think ahead, set manageable goals, and know your limits, you might make full use of the unique benefits of the Roth IRA. These individual retirement accounts will require you to invest a certain amount of money, on which you paid your taxes already, but they let you withdraw tax-free when you decide to retire.

There are a couple of factors you need to consider when you decide how much to contribute to your Roth IRA.

Roth IRA
Photo by Rattana.R from Shutterstock

Is it a good idea to max out a Roth IRA?


  • Roth IRAs will give you the access you need to a wider array of investments, which basically means that you can access mutual funds for a better price than you would have found in an employer-sponsored plan.
  • Unlike with a 401(k) plan, you will have time until mid-April to add money to your URA for the prior tax year.
  • And unlike 401(k) plans and other traditional IRAs, you won’t have to owe taxes on your eligible Roth IRA distributions. If your tax rates go up in the amount of time you contribute and the time you retire, you’ll be able to keep more money than you would have if you invested pretax dollars.


  • Deciding to contribute to a Roth IRA is probably the best thing you can do if you have money but you don’t want to spend them until you retire. If you are pressed by other financial needs, like a short-term debt, it might be worth paying off those liabilities first.
  • In case you realize that the tax rate would be lower in retirement than it is now, it’s way better if you pay your taxes on your savings at that time. It can be a wise decision to have a mix of pretax and after-tax retirement savings to prepare for any kind of scenario.
  • Roth IRAs have set some limits when it comes to income. In 2021, married couples who filed jointly weren’t allowed to contribute in the majority of cases, if they had a modified adjusted gross income above $208,000. The limit for single filers was $140,000. In 2022, those numbers raised up to $214,000, and $144,000. Some of you might manage to get around these limits with a method called the backdoor Roth IRA.

How do you max out your Roth IRA?

You open an account

If you ever thought setting up a Roth IRA is a difficult process, you should know that it only takes a couple of minutes. You will have to decide, however, if you want an account with an online broker or a Robo-advisor, and this depends entirely on how invested you want to be in the process of judging your investments.

Once you opened an account, you can select your investments. And if you want to benefit from diversification and low costs altogether, you should consider a portfolio that’s made out of index funds and exchange-traded funds.

Try looking for providers that have low account minimums, low or no account fees whatsoever but also fund minimums, a large selection of no-transaction-fee mutual funds and no commission ETFs, and the type of customer service and educational resources you know you wish for.

Roth IRA
Photo by insta_photos from Shutterstock

You calculate how much money you’ll need in retirement

It can be a bit difficult to prioritize far-off goals, not when there are so many opportunities for instant gratification these days. You can save up to 15% of your pretax income every year for retirement, and this is just one rule of the thumb.

If you don’t want to be working forever, and you probably don’t, you will need to save a bit more than what’s allowed in an employer-sponsored plan – which is a maximum of $20,500 in 2022 (and if you’re 50 or older, $27,000). You can use a retirement calculator to see how much you need to contribute to your Roth IRA, so you can stay on track.

You’ll have to set some manageable goals

Retirement planning can transform into a decades-long journey. That’s why shorter-term goals, such as setting aside the annual IRA maximum, can be a bit daunting for many people. The amount of money you want to keep for retirement should be left untouched and growing for years.

It might help to break down these goals into a more manageable weekly or monthly amount. Set up a manageable schedule to contribute, and you might find out over time that it works just fine. You could contribute on the same day of each and every month.

Roth IRA
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

You have to consider a backdoor Roth IRA

If you’re over the income limit for a Roth IRA, there still might be a way to secure their advantages. One of those strategies is known as the backdoor Roth IRA, and they might be helpful. Putting money in such a strategy requires funding a traditional IRA and converting your contributions into a Roth IRA.

You might have to pay a tax bill in the whole process, so you have to decide if that extra cost is really worth your effort. It is recommended to check your individual financial situation before trying a backdoor Roth IRA.

& Craft an investment strategy

Once your account is opened, you will have to come up with a plan on how to invest the money you initially gave, along with the funds you will add in the future. As in many other cases, simple is the best approach.

Try an asset location, which is the mix of different assets, like stocks and bonds, in your accounts, that will have broad-market index funds, with either the mutual fund or exchange-traded fund variety.

When you set up your account, you could consider opting for an automatic trading plan, so you can benefit from dollar-cost averaging. This is a type of strategy that focuses on spreading out investment purchases in time, so you can be sure that you won’t invest all of your money when prices are higher.

Learn your limits

If you won’t be able to max out a Roth IRA in the current year, don’t despair! This goal might require a longer period of time to achieve. Even if it’s just a few hundred dollars invested, you could end up with several thousand dollars in a decade or two!

If you enjoyed reading this article, we also recommend reading: Tax Refunds: 6 Brilliant Ways To Spend Them Wisely


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