6 Social Security Changes Coming in 2024

Social Security changes coming in 2024
Photo by Andrew Angelov from Shutterstock

Are there any Social Security changes coming in 2024? Yes, there are, and we are here to tell you everything about them. If we know something for sure, it is that every year something changes about Social Security, and almost every retired American and sometimes working ones will feel the effects of this.

This is why it is good to know what these changes will be as soon as possible, so you can prepare yourself for them. Sometimes you can do nothing about it, but knowing what you will have to deal with can give you a real advantage.

So, let’s see the Social Security changes coming in 2024 and how they impact you. Are you ready to find out?

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116 thoughts on “6 Social Security Changes Coming in 2024”

  1. I collect SSI benefits being a widow. My question is some months I get my check on first Friday of the month and others it is the second Friday. I rely on this check to pay my rent and need it to be consistently n first Friday. Can anyone explain why the payment dates change each month

    1. Try to bank with Discover bank and set your direct deposit from Social security to Discover. The bank will deposit your SS checks into your account in advance of them arriving at the bank.

    2. Turns on the date of your birthday like if your birthday is I don’t know the exact numbers the 5th of April then you’re going to get your check on the first Wednesday of the month so you need to either call social security or go online and see the date of your birthday now if you’re getting it on Friday that means that you’re kidding it early some months when the first is on a Wednesday then you’re going to get your check earlier but when the first is on a Thursday then you’re going to get your check a week later

  2. Once again, those awful laws, GPO and WPC, are not changed. Both affect me. I cannot access my late husband’s SS benefits (which were much better than mine) and — another punch in the gut — my own meager SS benefits are reduced because I have a decent Government pension. My own SS benefit does not even pay for my Medicare, which I have to pay double for.
    Eliminating those two laws, which mostly affect widows who have worked for the government, would correct an injustice.

  3. I’m a WW2 veteran now 98 years old. I’m now disabled and need help. I own my home but it needs a lot of attention. I’m finding absolutely no help in finding that help. Are those of s=us from World Two just forgotten now?

    1. Michael Ann Sherbourn

      Get a hold of your local American legion and ask for one of the officers for the legionnaires and they will get you some help they did it for my dad and they did it for my brother-in-law who was a Vietnam veteran and if you leave a message for the commander or the first vice keep calling back till you actually get them there

    2. Hi RC! I know your post is from December 2023, and I do not know where you live, but these tips may help you : #1. Check with your local VFW for an appointment with their monthly Veteran’s Case Manager. Being you’re a disabled veteran, you are eligible for the VA’s “Aide and Attendance” monthly stipend for in-home help. #2. Contact you’re local senior center. They oftentimes do home repairs at no or low cost. They could also give you a Case Manager who could assist you with calls & contacting who you need. #3. Your Township Office may have local funds & resources to help you. #4. Finally, reach out to your church – they undoubtedly have members of the congregation who can assist you with both in-home personal care and home repairs. Good luck to you, may God bless you, and thank you for your service! Linda Lou

    3. Hi I am 77 and a female – i get books sent to me about senior advice. In pa and maybe where you live, there are places that will help you with your house repairs, possibly for free – do you have anyone who can help you find info on the computer. I know help is out there. good luck

  4. Has there been any Congressional discussion to remove the Federal & state governments from taxing Social Security since this money was taxed when it was earned by each individual that is receiving a SS check. It appears as double taxation to me & completely unfair .
    Thank you

    1. Trump says he’s going to see that all taxing on social security benefits to the elderly is stopped when he’s elected in 2024. He believes that taxing social security is unfair to the elderly.

    2. You need to see who to vote for in this upcoming election. One person has said no tax onSS. As he kept his promises before. You can be sure he will keep this one

    3. You can thank Ronald Reagan for that. SS is taxed because your Adj gross income is above a certain level which allows the govt to tax (I mean REtax) up to 85 percent of your SS distribution for that tax year. It is unfair since most peoples’ benefit is too small to cover all expenses and make ends meet anyway.

  5. Our Nation has suffered long 3nough with the incompetent leadership we have had
    Governing our Country. The Seniors and working class of this Nation are standing against
    The elitist and so called entitled burecrats poisoning our values and economic growth.
    Either change our direction or face expulsion from your positions in Go ernment from the top to the bottom legislation . God Bless America and make Freedom ring.

  6. G I n a maniaci

    It is a shame that widows do not get any money if they earn over 22000. THIS IS A CRIME!!!OUR SPOUSES HAVE WORKED ALL OF THEIR LIFE, THEY DIE AND THE SURVIVING SPOUSE IS PENALIZED BECAUSE THEY GO OUT TO MAKE A LIVING ,AND MAKE A DECENT SALARY. A widow/widower should be entitled to money regardless after their salary….Their spouse paid into social security!!..but this is the messed up world we live in..not fair…and greed in the part of the congress and politicians..SHAME ON YOU!!

    1. Amen I live off my Check when my husband died they would NOT GIVE ME HIS SOCIAL Security THEY SAID MY HUSBAND WAS MY BROTHEr

  7. i dont understand why they keep saying and giving more adjustments to widows, etc. single people live alone, pay all the same bills and no one ever considers giving them a raise because of one income….. single people are always the suckers who pay for everyone elses family and children, from taxes, both r.e., and schools, and everything inbetween. paying a tax should be based on your $ and how many people are paying the taxes …… ridiculous.

    1. Yes, I have been single all of my 69 years. Single people are discriminated against. We pay more for taxes than working mariried couples. I believe we should institute a FLAT TAX of 15 percent for all parties involved with paying taxes. This would be a more equitable approach to a solution.

  8. I am on SSDI and nothing (no Increases) for my situation. You only mentioned those with children and spouse. Sorry I am not married or have any kids, so why am I or are these people getting punished including me of course???? This isn’t fair. I have mega Dr. bills, I am in debt up to my ears. Could someone please respond to me with a answer?
    Thank you,


    1. I am in the same situation with no way out.
      We work all these years and for what?
      No one asks to be disabled. Is there
      anyone we can talk to about this?
      Like you, it would be nice to get a real
      response, but I won’t hold my breath!

  9. I was forced to retire because my job laid me off during the pandemic. I wasn’t able to find a job and my finances were getting pretty low. So when I turned 62 I had to apply for Social Security. I am 66 now, is there any way I can get full benefits? I also am looking for full time income. If I get a job before I reach the 6 months added to my age will I be penalized?

    1. Wow! It is about time that we see some extra cash since the cost of just about everything keeps going up. Praise God!

  10. COLA does not even come close to helping with the rising food, Gas, electric, Heating oil,
    and almost everything else .Government algorithms are for the birds

    1. I, too am a widow of a 20yr Army Vet, who later worked for Civil Service as an instructor pilot. 2 job careers, but both for the government. We were told that you could only receive one pension or SS benefits from on gov’t entity-but not both. Hence, if a person had served 20 yrs in the military + retired and worked as a civilian, he/she could collect both pensions. (It’s called the double dipping rule in laymen’s terms). This is totally unfair!

    2. 100% agree. If you ask me the whole system is a joke. I have worked 27 years maybe 30 in the same industry paid everything I was supposed to pay into Medicare and my taxes I am getting $600 a month that is inhumane. I have been on the waiting list for a housing voucher for 4 years I can barely walk from spinal muscular atrophy and no one will help me and no one I know that has worked that long is getting $600 a month it’s absolutely insane who can live off of that?

    3. I agree with Kevin a 3.2% cola increase is like a slap in the face.How can such a small increase help anybody?

    4. Well SS is not meant to be your only source of income. Retirement savings, that you invest and receive a return greater than COLA, plays a part in paying for rising costs too.

  11. how do we get SSA to make changes. I could not get my deceased husband’s monthly SS because I receive a Federal Gov. retirement. they have some kind of formula to determine eligibility. do we need to vote on any changes, write to someone to make the changes.? I’m sure there are more like me in this situation

    1. Barbara, the same happened to me. It is called the Government Pension Offset (GPO)

      Government Pension Offset (GPO) – If
      you qualify for benefits as a current or
      former spouse, widow, or widower, the
      GPO may reduce or eliminate your
      benefits. Jan 20, 2024

      The bipartisan Social Security Fairness
      Act — which now has 308 cosponsors
      would eliminate both the WEP and the
      GPO, two provisions of the Social
      Security Act that unfairly reduce or
      eliminate Social Security benefits for
      millions of Americans who have devoted
      much of their careers to public service.

      Make your vote count. 🗳

      1. shirley pollard

        I have worked since I was about 15 years old and I just retired because of my health.

        I am only getting 1243 dollars to live on I struggle every day to make life better for myself but they say I will not get anymore money because of my income, I do not fell it right that I worked in the pubic for years and payed my taxes did everthing right and I struggle I could live if I was getting two thousand a month I could get out of dedit and put some money back. but I do not count to the gov.

        1. Your SSA benefit is based on your highest 35 years of earnings. Apparently, you didn’t earn a lot during your work years. If you worked less than 35 years, zeros are averaged in for those years you didn’t pay into SSA. That is the formula for everyone’s benefits.

        2. Your SSA benefit is based on your highest 35 years of work. Any years that you didn’t work/pay into SSA a zero is averaged in. The more you earned during your career, the higher your benefit. Apparently, you were earning a low wage. Additionally, SSA was never meant to be your sole financial support in retirement.

      2. That government offset is not fair because we paid into both government retirement and Social Security! And I worked many overtime hours on my government job that I was never compensated for when I was working!

      3. Thank you for the info. And yes I’m in the same situation. I heard H R 82. If passed, would correct this unfair decrease in our Social Security benefits.

      4. The same happened to me! Very unfair! It’s like getting penalized for working for the government. They don’t tell you that at hiring- surprise. We work our butt off to obtain a pension but they then reduce your social security. While others have options to get half of their spouses, we don’t.

      5. Amarllis Hazlip

        What happens to those of us who are in the WEP program? I haven’t had an increase in money to bank since I started on SSI in 2002. The COLA, etc, always goes to Medicare.

      6. WEP and GPO are designed to make SS more fair. Eliminating them will actually make SS LESS fair. That is the problem with eliminating them.

    2. Barbara same here and why call it survivors benefits then? The amount we have to make is so antiquated there’s no way someone could live on to qualify. Especially here in California. The told me we have to write congress to get it changed since it’s a law apparently.

    3. Be the Change, call your congressman, if we make enough people aware of situation, then your voice is louder. Review SS determination of statue and file an appeal. There are resources to advocate for you. Good luck

    4. Kathleen J Nader

      Yes, I’m in the same situation. I think it is so, so wrong. How do we get someone to help us? I loss my husband 2 years ago, and do not get his SSA. We need help!!

  12. Michael L Oldenburg

    COL adjustment needs to include energy and food, two of the biggest impacts to seniors outside of health care. Increasing monthly health insurance payments should be included as an adder not detract from the COL increase. The fact we are double taxed on SSI is terrible where we already have paid the tax.
    Most retirees no longer get pensions whereas government employees do. They should only receive a 401k plan and this pension money should go to help SSI plan. A fair change for workers not receiving pensions or require all companies to have a pension plan.
    Start investing SS payments and in a few years the fund will take care of itself. The fact these monies were not invested and by personal account was an enormous mistake that hurts all those receiving today by about 3 to 1.
    High income people should only receive 50% and the balance invested to help lower income. to help the fund. Investing is the key, not the way the program is run today.

  13. So I’m a widowed man receiving SS of 1922 per month and this article talks about an additional benefit so can I expect to get an extra benefit because I’m a widower not living with dependent children?

  14. That is true, and it was never intended to keep pace with cost of living increases. SS was also never intended to replace personal savings, but to supplement savings.

  15. They need to do something about Over Payments … Absolutely Wrong what they are putting people through !!! 7 months waiting for my SSD to be corrected after 2 Offset Specialist said they were wrong and my Waiver Reconsideration was assigned to someone at the processing back in October
    Here its March and still no change
    Call after call and all they say is its at the Processing Center …
    They Don’t Care !!!! Wish they could get a taste of their own medicine !!!

  16. I called about the food allowance. I had to change my sup. insurance to Kaizer and at that they didn’t know if I could get it. I am happy with my insurance so why would I change. Barbara from So California


  18. I worked in the business industry and educational system for many years and retired after 29 years. I paid into both social security and an alternative system and was told this was just optional. But, social security said I could only have half of what I would get from them because of this. Why???

  19. My.opinion, our government is set up and slanted towards the government being benefitted not us working class Americans. Our country’s monetary system is run by the federal reserve board of wealthy people, good luck on that one too.

  20. Do they not understand that I didn’t plan getting hurt they has to be something to help people like me that gets hurt at young age like my daddy pd all his life but died before seeing anything where does his money go he was not married so who gets his money

  21. I didn’t see where any of this would help me. I retired in 1992 and for my working years Social Security took out $800 every 2 weeks and for two months a year the $800 was taken out 3 times a month. I figured out all of the years I worked and paid into Social Security and I’m not getting back what I put in.

  22. Bridget Thomas

    It doesn’t mean anything to apply for his income ..Your husband earnings belong to you.. But trust me you won’t get the whole amount there going to cut the heck out of it if u get anything from the Gov..I know they did me and my mom this way they break it down so you can have only 20 dollars more than what u have now.DUMB BUT TRUE..

  23. Even with these meager increases, it doesn’t offset the cost of things like food, insurance, property taxes, gasoline, utilities, medical out of pocket costs, outrageous Rx costs, clothing, eating out, auto repairs, insurance, and on & on….

  24. I want congress to seriously think about the effects on the elderly .My husband was killed and at that time , I was working 2 jobs to take care of ny son and daughter . besides I paid my taxes it came out of my check weekly . thats the way I was paid by my employer.I am on my own now that he is dead.I need my money to pay bills so please don’t cut social security .I need it
    please think about the elderly. thank you Ms.Gaudin

  25. It would be great if the present people encharge would quit letting illegals into our country and than giving them our tax dollars for free. We worked most of our lives for what they have not worked for! This is the way the Democrats do things to buy votes, Stop all this foolishness!

  26. Try the ‘ben-franklin’ test….
    Using SSA figures on your potential benefits:
    Calculate taking benefit @ 63 vs waiting for FRA (my case 67), using a side-by-side table.
    Ie: for 4 years (age 63-66) you’d receive benefits while waiting for FRA you’d get $0.00. In the 5th year will look like: Early benefits rec’d for 5rs vs 1 year of FRA; and so on, year by year, until you reach a break-even point somewhere in the future.
    I am now 70 (started benefits @ 63) and am currently $53,000 (total, in hand) ahead of waiting for FRA. I will not be dollar equal to or behind FRA benefits until the beginning year age: 77. At this point (14 yrs later), FRA participation will/would outpace taking early benefits, on an going basis.
    Questions are…. Your personal needs & opinions:
    a) do you need current additional income; b) how is your personal health; c) what do you expect your lifespan to be; d) what do you believe is the financial health of SSA program; e) are you comfortable with the financial health of US government and current monetary policy a/o 3/20/2024?
    Easy comparison to make, based solely on your individual situation & needs.

  27. It took me almost 7 years to receive disability; despite having Cervical degenerative disc disease, bulging lower lumbar, HBP, Diabetes, Asthma, Heart failure, severe G.E.R.D, and severe neuropathy. My current vehicle is a ’94 Honda Civic and it’s adding to my back pain. I really could use an updated vehicle that’s higher off the ground and has air condition. Are there any kind of programs that will help me finance a 2021 model or newer? My credit score is over 650 and I’ve been switched over to S.S.I; currently 56 years old, and on 19 medications a day with a Hep-Pap machine usage. Thank you!

    1. Get off the mess and find a holistic dr. Drink more water and start looking for herbs thst treat your body. Doctors are just concerned with the kickbacks for every medication they prescribe. Let go of sugar. Use monkfruit if you need to sweeten something. Add ginger garlic parsley oregano thyme sage and olive oil to your meals or take tinctures. The right food and herbs is the key to health. Get a stationary bike or treadmill. Easy on yyour back. Your score is good enough as long as you can make payments. Try looking at older cars like 2018 and below but no further than 2015. Hope all this gets you started back to health. Oh get plenty of sleep and drink teas especially green tea. God bless.

  28. I so agree!!!! Current government policies do not take into consideration far too many of us in the middle bracket! I am more than frustrated with our current governmental rulings and regulations. I can only pray that those elected in the future take greater thought and courage in their future decision makings for us all!!

  29. Michael Wright

    It will never be enough! Not since Congress passed a bill in the late 60’s to allow them to dip into OUR SS for their
    tax purposes…”governmental theft”. Shame.

    1. Mr. Wright you have it ‘right’! Per the internet: The Government Has Borrowed $1.7 Trillion From The Social Security Trust Fund. The government has borrowed the total value of the Trust Fund to pay for other government spending. Beginning in 2017, the government will have to begin backing up these paper promises with real money.
      Again, from the internet: While it’s easy to blame lawmakers for Social Security’s shortcomings, the idea that Congress pilfered funds from Social Security is 100% fiction. May 12, 2024 https://www.fool.com/retirement/2024/05/12/fact-fiction-congress-stole-from-social-security/#:~:text=While%20it%27s%20easy%20to%20blame,Social%20Security%20is%20100%25%20fiction.

      Imagine for a moment that you go to your local bank and purchase an interest-bearing certificate of deposit (CD) for $1,000. Although you’ve given your bank $1,000, it’s not going to let this cash sit in a vault and collect dust while paying you interest on your cash. The bank is going to loan out your money and aim to generate a higher rate of return than what it’s paying you in interest.
      Even though you can’t see your $1,000, the bank hasn’t stolen it from you. It’s fully accounted for by your CD and backed by the federal government.
      The same applies to Social Security’s OASI and Disability Insurance (DI) trust funds. Though they’re required by law to be invested in special-issue government bonds, every cent is fully accounted for, and these bonds are backed by the full faith of the U.S. government.
      Bottom Line: Who do you believe??

  30. this is all a lie biden lie. because if we’re going to get more money, we should have got a letter in the mail telling us that. i called the ss office and ask them if this was true and they said they had no idea that this was even going to happen. all this is about the votes.

  31. The Government should be ashamed of themselves most senior can’t even afford to live a comfortable life.they get a raise in social security and their medicare (Healthcare) benefits goes up every year, It’s like getting slapped in the face.
    Thanks Mr.President (Joe Biden)

  32. There needs to be a chamge in the ridiculousness of how much money you can make without being penalized. Social Security is NOT WELFARE! It is a method of getting back a portion, for some a tiny portion of what was involuntarily taken from you. Your initiative to continue to be a productive member of society and make up for all of those who won’t work should not be impeded. Some of the most productive work ethics around are not utilized because of this stupidity. That needs to change and would hurt no one.

  33. Please help me understand the retirement earnings test. The way I am reading it I would have extra $ held in a SS acct for me when I retire at full age is this technically a savings account that SS can use before I retire?

  34. I remember when WEP and GPO went into effect, and I also remember my then MD Senator (Barbara Mikulski), saying she would try to get those two offsets removed, especially GPO. It didn’t happen and a few years later she retired. Apparently, no one else has even tried to pick up where she left off.
    Many government workers are still suffering shortages of their hard-earned monies they worked for, including me, and it is high time someone who truly cares gets the ball to rolling, again! It is very unfair that the only federal workers who are NOT affected by the GPO are the president and his cabinet members, congressmen & women and certain railroad workers.

  35. Barbara,

    I read this article avidly hoping it would give an update re the SSFA. Strange the count of cosponsors is so high when you know the GOP anti-tax and anti- social-spending wing is unlikely to support a benefit solely going to government pensioners. One must recall why these provisions the WEP and the GPO were created in the first place. They went after SALT in the IRS code a mere 6 years ago.

  36. Wife and retired at full term, both have continued to work!
    Because we work we are penalized, we paid 10,400. Last year to federal tax on our SS, that’s in addition to federal tax we pay from our salaries! Also we still pay into SS, how do we fix this? Totally disgusted with our government, work after retirement and the government takes back a chunk of what they give you. No one will answer me regarding this issue.


    I am 76 years old and receiving my retirement SS
    is this money taxable South Carolina and Federal taxes are Fical taxes?

  38. Jose A. Rodríguez

    With all the changes coming to soc sec, when are they going to change the way they come to the amount you will receive each month so that they can correct the overpayments they made and no one in the SSA is responsible. Then the people who received the overpayments are treated as if we knew we were receiving it. They should put a system in place that can triple check the math to verify it’s correct. Or provide a way so people can receive a partial payment so they don’t take the whole check and people won’t suffer as much. Hoping you know or understand what I mean. Thank you for listening.

  39. Maybe they could include us who paid social security as required by law but are denied benefits because we also paid and receive teacher retirement. Not like we are getting rich on teacher retirement.

  40. Why are social security benefits subject to fed income tax? We pay taxes at the time it is earned…. and now they tax it again.
    How and who do we contact to have this brought before the House or to the President’s attention? Most of those serving in either the House or Senate have much higher incomes than most of us….they need to know how difficult it is to maintain a decent living.

  41. María preciado

    When is this going to the the house of rep or whatever space to vote and pas? I hope it happens soon!!

  42. So unjust for the deceased individual and the surviving spouse. First of all, to have to wait until the age of 60 to receive survivor’s benefits is not fair. The income of a spouse is depended upon to help get bills paid immediately, bills don’t wait. The cost of living now days is unaffordable for an individual. The deceased and the spouse have spent most of their life paying into social security, then for it to be taken from the surviving spouse. Such injustice! The surviving spouse should be able to receive both the deceased spouse’s social security benefits and their own social security benefits, regardless of any other income, Social security is individually earned. A spouse of the deceased should not have to suffer financially after suffering emotionally, physically and mentally from the loss. After reaching the age of 60, to start receiving survivors benefits, the survivor should not have to then choose between benefits of the deceased or the survivor’s benefits once the survivor is able to receive social security benefits of their own. Something is so wrong with this picture.

    1. I’m currently receiving survivor benefits of my late husband. I totally agreed that us surviving spouses should be able to benefit for both survivors and your own SS benefits when you’re eligible. This SS system is designed to limit our rights for what we’ve all worked so hard for it. ITS ALWAYS A CATCH & SUCH SHAME!!

  43. The article contains “Well, if in 2023 the Social Security payroll tax used to be $160,200, in 2024 things will change and this tax will be increased to $168,600. This is a lot of money, and maybe this change will not affect everyone, but the big earners will surely be affected.”- that difference amounts to $642.60 for someone making $168,600. I think they can absorb it.

  44. This increase for 2024 ALMOST offsets the increase in my auto insurance, but does nothing to help with my homeowner’s insurance which are increasing due to the idiots who steal cars, drive like morons and those who build/rebuild in high risk areas with floods, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes and tornadoes.

    SSA and CONGRESS need to open their eyes, stop lying to us and remember that they work for us, not the other way around.

  45. I don’t qualify for for the card you can use for over the counter and other things because I don’t have a red white blue card. But I still antena and Medicare. But i have a friend that her and her owns business. And she gets it.

  46. I am a retired firefighter. Because i have what is called a government pension my social security was cut almost half. I worked a second job most of my life to make my golden years financially secure only to find out that i would be penalized for my efforts but SSA give benefits to people that never payed any thing.

  47. Maybe we should stop handing out payments to people who never contributed. SSI comes out of our social security.
    As someone who has been self employed for years, I pay double FICA. I guess I will have to keep working until I drop so I can support people on public assistance.
    Been working since I was 15. It’s my money.

  48. The GPO is not unfair. Those on Govt pensions do not pay into Social Security as the govt pension is more lucrative than SocSec.

  49. Similar situation. The government says my wife was eligible for a government pension, so they want to rescind payments she received since January 2024. We have no idea what they are talking about. She has not received any pension besides her Social Security.. Shedid have some money in a State employees fund, worth about 135 dollars total, but she never claimed nor received those funds.

  50. You are absolutely correct. SS is only ment to be a supplement to your savings for retirement. Way too many people worked and spent their total income and when they retire ,they have nothing but SS to live on and then complain that they can not live one SS. My wife and I worked all our lives, and saved some of our income and invested into Tax Free Muni bonds, and now we do not care what SS is since our savings over the 50 yers we worked is well enough for us to live on and enjoy our lives. We are 88 and 86 now and are enjoying our lives.

  51. I started ss 10 years ago for a little over 1200 a month. People now signing for ss get 1900 a month. I now only get 1500 a month. That is not fair. I worked for over 45 years. I should be getting a lot more. After I pay my monthly bills, I only have less then 60 a month for food, gas for my car. I have a very low income. If anyone needs help, I do.

  52. I used to get excited about getting a raise, but every time I got one my insurance goes up even more than the raise. My husband paid for so many years, but when he died, the SS went with him. This does not seem fair for a widow.

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