8 Impressive Traits (Almost) All Baby Boomers Have in Common

baby boomers
Photo by Nenad Cavoski from Shutterstock

1. We Are Disciplined

Baby boomers might not be the most intuitive people when it comes to technology, but once they know the steps, they will respect them thoroughly. When a younger person tries to teach a baby boomer how to use a laptop or a smartphone, they should be patient because a good part of their life was not in front of a screen (Remember when we used to see each other in person and didn’t have any phones to ruin the conversation?).

This generation has a workflow based on structure, making them very disciplined. Because they didn’t have Google to press a button and find the information, they had to learn it the hard way. Their abilities are well-formed and structured, and all that is new to them has to be learned in steps.

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