11 Profitable Remote Jobs for Seniors

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Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock


As a transcriptionist, you have to type out, verbatim, what someone dictates to you or what you hear on audio files. You might also caption a video, capture the words in a court presentation or take down a written record of a dialogue between two or more people.

It would be even better if you’d have quick typing skills, a very good hearing if you could identify speakers only by voice, and understand sometimes thick accents, and pass a transcription test. Also, familiarity with medical terms is a plus.

The average pay of a transcriptionist is $12-$29.07/hour. And luckily, you could easily do this remote job from home.

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2 thoughts on “11 Profitable Remote Jobs for Seniors”

  1. I love the idea of working remotely. Although I am an RN, I would like something less stressful!! I have worked from home frequently and authored 9 published books.

    I do need extra income and I’m interested in a variety of jobs.

  2. I’m retired 3 years now and really ready for a new challenge and need to make some extra income. I have a paramedical background and time on my hands!

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