10 US Cities Where $2k a Month Is More Than Enough

retirement, cities
Photo by Barbara Smyers from Shutterstock

#2 Lubbock, Texas

The fourth Texas city on our list also ranks the highest due to it being the cheapest to live in as well. But, with differences in the tens of thousands, we can’t say that the average expenditures are significantly higher in any of these! However, Lubbock comes in second due to their average, which comes to around $1,520.

What makes Lubbock a town to look at is its average rent, which is the lowest on our list, coming in at $690 per month! You won’t find it anywhere cheaper. Yet, what keeps it from becoming number one is the higher healthcare costs, which end up averaging about $453. Not the worst it can get, but definitely the highest here!

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10 thoughts on “10 US Cities Where $2k a Month Is More Than Enough”

    1. Women have rights? I assume you mean regarding abortion. Funny how the life within said woman has no rights………even up to birth…..NOT RIGHT…the kid does too. Reproductive rights? How you can obfuscate this phrase away from reality is also NOT RIGHT

  1. You have got to be kidding. Every city has either hot and humid summers, or freezing winters, which drives up utility costs, and is not outdoor friendly. I grew up in Illinois and I have no desire to go back to that weather or tornadoes! I guess I’ll stay in Coastal Oregon, where the climate is mild and the ocean and forests are breathtaking for a senior outdoor lover! Even with a high cost of living.

  2. This list is good but one very important thing left out is the crime rate per city. That has a lot to do with where you decide to live especially if a more mature adult.

  3. You’re Kidding, Right. Are you promoting Texas? Oklahoma, really. This must be a joke. There is only one city I would even want to visit on this list. We will stay in the Pacific Northwest with our lush, green country sides, our beautiful lakes, our four seasons, and our great people who embrace diversity.

    1. TX and OK have high sales taxes on everything including groceries, clothing, and non prescription medicine. Rural central PA isn’t bad, no sales taxes on groceries, clothing, non prescription medicine, but school taxes are high in the cities.

  4. Funny people in blue states believe media lies about red states not accepting *certain* communities. Fact is, they accept ALL communities, even liberals. Blue states pick & choose groups “worthy” of their social justice attention, not realizing irony of continued failed results (as seen here) by socializing ineffective government to FORCE inequity. How arrogant. Yes, inequity when assuming certain groups are unable to achieve without their assistance. If blue state govern officials get richer after raising taxes, how is their campaigned for social programs working for y’all? Red states take care of their own, with a smile, regardless of color, orientation, or potential ability to manipulate votes from. That’s why so many have left blue states for red…turn off CBS news & find out for yourselves!

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