9 Retirement Hobbies That Make EASY Money

Are you experiencing boredom as a retiree? We have a solution to your problem! You should start a business! How? Continue reading to find out!

Normally, retirement can represent a stage in human life dedicated to unwinding and resting after a lifetime of work. However, in retirement, seniors have more free time than they ever had before and most of them deal with feelings like boredom. A huge number of new retirees deal with adapting problems. They feel worthless since they don’t know what to do with their life and time anymore. While this can be a good change for some of them, for others it might be boring and lead to feelings of restlessness.

If you are a retiree… have you ever thought about the idea of monetizing your hobbies? It would be a great way to combat boredom. Next, you’ll discover other benefits that come with doing so. How does it sound? 

retirement hobbies
Image by Kostiantyn Voitenko from Shutterstock

The Benefits of Monetizing Your Hobbies

Healthcare and other hobbies

Monetizing your hobbies can give you extra money to spend on your health, on other activities you like doing, or even on traveling. Admit it or not, money offers us comfort. Some extra cash can be very useful for retirees, like us, who are forced to live with a fixed amount monthly. By monetizing our favorite activities, we can save money for our golden years.

Sharp mind, healthy brain

And that is not all! Having activities that make us happy, will also keep our minds working. Learning new skills can significantly reduce cognitive decline and keep the brain healthy. Starting a small business or pursuing a passion project can be the best way to stay healthy and live longer. Would you try it?

Retirement hobbies
Image by insta_photos from Shutterstock

Social activeness

Another advantage of having an activity is combating isolation. Monetizing a hobby will take some time and it can be done just if you are socially active, so it combats isolation. As we all know, retirement can be very lonely sometimes, especially for those who have lost their loved ones. Connecting with others who share the same hobbies can give seniors a sense of purpose and community that can be invaluable in retirement. So, no one should stay alone and sad forever.

It takes a little courage to start new projects but trust us, it is worth it! 

10 Ways To Make Money In Retirement

1. Photography

Do you love taking photos? Well, you can turn your passion into a small business! Have you ever considered this idea? Even though you are an amateur photographer, don’t worry, learning the basics is not hard at all and you can find all the materials and tutorials you need, online. For example, we recommend you this book, that can be found on Amazon: National Geographic Photo Basics: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Great Photography. The book was written by Joel Sartore and can represent a great starting point for the next adventure of your life.

After you learn the basics, you can easily join the stock photography websites. Businesses, bloggers, and content creators are constantly searching for professional photographs. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

2. Crafting

You can sell handcrafted items in a lot of ways, you just need creativity and courage to try monetizing this hobby. One of the most popular platforms for this kind of hobby is Etsy. If you don’t want to join this platform, you can simply create your own website and sell whatever you like. For example, handmade jewelry and candles are some of the customer’s favorites. Building a strong online presence can give you a lot of opportunities and can help you earn a significant amount of money.

3. Editing

Editing is freelance. It allows you to work from wherever and whenever you like. It’s a great option since it doesn’t require previous experience. As an editor, you must:

  • check a text for clarity and consistency
  • improve a text’s readability and quality
  • fact-check and clarify errors

After a training period, you can become an editor by volunteering to edit for local publications. Keep in mind that is essential to have a portfolio of your work!

4. Gardening

Oh, gardening is such a beautiful activity for retirees! It allows us to connect with nature and relax our minds. But did you know that you can also monetize gardening? You can sell plants, offer gardening consultation services, or even teach organic gardening workshops. A platform you can join in the beginning is Food4All. It allows you to transform your love for gardening into a nonprofit business.

Retirement Hobbies
Image by nieriss from Shutterstock

5. Baking and cooking

Who doesn’t love sweets? Opening a little shop in your neighborhood can be a great idea if you are passionate about cooking and baking. Your neighbors will LOVE you! A good tip you should follow if you want to earn more money is to specialize in niche baked goods. If opening a small shop doesn’t sound great, you can also organize some workshops and teach others how to cook.

You can start a catering business or open a YouTube channel and share your favorite recipes. There are a lot of options when it comes to cooking and baking. You can make a lot of money just by doing what you love. Would you give it a try?

6. Tutoring

By sharing your expertise you can earn extra income. You can offer private tutoring, provide English or foreign languages classes, and connect with others. Tutoring is a great hobby if you tend to be an isolated person. It will allow you to be socially active and learn new things at the same time as you teach others. Tutoring will also make you feel good. Sharing your knowledge with others is a respectable activity and not everyone can do it.

7. Tour Guide

Are you in love with the city you live and and also loved history in school? You should become a tour guide immediately. Considering the number of tourists visiting the United States, guides are much needed. As you already know, those passionate about our country’s history are also the most admired ones. So, don’t waste your time and talk to an agency! If you can’t find one nearby, just promote yourself and your skills using your social media platforms.

8. Online reselling

Do you have a lot of old things in your garage and don’t know what to do with them anymore? Well, sell them! Create an account on a selling platform and you’ll get rid of the unwanted items while you’ll also earn money. Isn’t that great?

If you’d like it, you can transform it into a full-time hobby. You can search online for treasures, purchase them, and then resell them. You can turn your talent for finding valuable objects into a profitable venture!

9. Writing

Do you love books and also enjoy reading in your free time? Then you should 100% try to write something. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be able to write an entire book. Even though earning money from writing a novel, can be significantly harder than monetizing other hobbies, you can disconnect from reality while writing and create another dimension for yourself. Sometimes a break just for ourselves is much needed. Writing not only offers us the opportunity to have a break from social activities, but also keeps our brain active and our mind sharp.

You can also try freelance writing, by offering your services to businesses, websites, or publications. It depends on what kind of things you enjoy writing.

So, what do you think about hobby monetization? Are you planning on starting a new business? Let us know in the comment section what kind of business you would like to own.

Before leaving, check out another related article on our website: 10 Smart Tips For Seniors To Save Money When Traveling. 


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